Monday, May 28, 2018

The passing of a Decade

In the light of a full moon
I see something

Should I call out?
Would it be for help,
Or a warning to others?

He stands there
Just beyond sight,
Shrouded in mystery
And shadow

Staring not so much at me
But through me
Beyond me
Past me

The creature turns as if to leave
The moonlight playing a cross a grimace
I see a heavy chain encircles it
And it is burdened still

For now I know this thing of
Time and sorrow
A frightful being to all
It is a decade

Bound and chained
to ten years of regret, suffering,
and broken dreams

I foolishly raise my hand
as if to say, “Goodbye,
Old friend”

I know his kind is always there watching,
Building their burdens
From our missteps and

Perhaps my next decade
will be less frightening
less sorrow filled
less painful to bare
and perhaps he will smile as he passes
grateful for a lighter burden.

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